How to add a new glacier

  1. Download volume evolution figures for all supported languages here:
    • Showing +2.7°C: {RGI_ID}_simple_{language}.png
    • Showing +1.5°C and +2.7°C: {RGI_ID}_complex_{language}.png
    • Save the figures in assets/images/volume_evolution_glaciers
  2. Create 3D animations:
    • Showing +2.7°C: {RGI_ID}_simple_{langauage}.mp4
    • Showing +1.5°C and +2.7°C: {RGI_ID}_complex_{language}.mp4 - Save videos in assets/videos/glacier_animations
  3. Add a photo of the glacier which serves as the title picture (see how to add a photo)
  4. Create a yml file for glacier:
    • Copy template_glacier.yml and adapt it (update rgi_id, name and country)
    • Save as {RGI_ID}.yml inside add_new_content/add_new_glacier/glacier_yml_files
  5. Run the script or notebook update_website_with_new_content.ipynb to update the website with the new content.