Save the new photo in assets/images/photos_glaciers for a glacier photo or in assets/images/photos_signposts for a signpost photo
Create/adapt yml file for photo:
Glacier photo:
If adding a new glacier, copy and adapt template_glacier_photos.yml, and save it as {RGI_ID}_photos.yml in the glacier_photos_yml_files directory.
If adding a photo to an existing glacier, add the photo information to the existing {RGI_ID}_photos.yml file.
Signpost photo:
If adding a new signpost, copy and adapt template_signpost_photos.yml, and save it as {SIGNPOST_NAME}_photos.yml in the signpost_photos_yml_files directory.
If adding a photo to an existing signpost, add the photo information to the existing {SIGNPOST_NAME}_photos.yml file.
Add the photo license link to list_of_photo_licenses.yml, if not already included