The current policy prediction estimates global warming until 2100 at 2.7°C, far above the Paris Agreement goal of limiting warming to 1.5°C.

Glacier de Gebroulaz had an estimated volume of 0.16 km³ in 2020 and is expected to be mostly gone by 2062 (likely range: 2051 - 2080 ) under 2.7°C global warming (current policy prediction). We define 'mostly gone' as the year when either less than 10% of the glacier's 2020 volume or less than 0.01 km³ is expected to remain - whichever threshold is crossed first.

If global warming is limited to 1.5°C (Paris Agreement), by 2100, 15% of the 2020 volume is expected to remain (14% more compared to 2.7°C).

Every 0.1°C avoided saves glaciers and limits impacts!

Volume evolution of Glacier de Gebroulaz for 2.7°C.
Showing the volume evolution of Glacier de Gebroulaz for a global warming level of 2.7°C.

Global Projections

The projections for Central Europe are not promising, even under 1.5°C warming. However, there are regions worldwide with a much larger potential for saving glacier ice. Visit the "Regions" page to explore other areas around the globe and visit the "How to preserve" page to get active.


If you're curious about how this animation and the figures were created, visit the Methods page.